Here's some different ideas on what the future will hold in cell phone technology.
Keep in mind that this is all theory, most of these technologies will happen, but it'll be progressively and some may never work out the way we imagine them.
I say cell phone because it's the one tiny computer that everyone carries around with them now. When really, everyone is carrying a small computer that is a powerful multimedia device with many functions, and it will grow even stronger.
I imagine that I-phones, PSP's, cameras, and even laptops will all be in one convenient pair of glasses. With every feature imaginable.
Depending on the model, you can completely customize it to whatever you'll need. The model may be able to connect to any computer, so whenever you want the power that only something large can bring, you just have to get yourself close enough so that it can connect without any wires.
The glasses themselves will be configurable to whatever amount of light you want in. Automatically adjusting to whatever your setting. Maybe even allowing night vision.
On the side, you can have a camera, it's resolution will get higher and higher over time, and the memory card will get larger as well.
One day, people will be able to record everything they see, either uploading it at home when they put it on the charger, or perhaps it's connected wi-fi and can upload the video to the net, either periodically, or streaming. This has incredible potential, here are some exciting examples:
-Imagine you misplaced something important, and you urgently needed to find it. Just look over yesterdays events, on your heads up display.
-What if your hanging with some friends, and you were bragging about the size of fish you caught. Just upload your video to the TV, or project it on a wall with state of the art projection technology.
-Imagine that you made an agreement with someone, now, instead of getting a lawyer to draw up a contract, you could record a verbal agreement fast and easy. (Of coarse, the courts will have to analyze the video to see it's authenticity. Maybe the companies that make the glasses can embed some code that gets destroyed when the original is edited).
-Witnessing a crime, seeing a shooting star, any sort of spontaneous event that you didn't have a camera for, could all be placed on your private hard-drive, or broad-casted to the web.
-Many different jobs could benefit from quick pictures or vids that you could refer to during the day.
The display will be on the back of the glasses. There will be different modes, or user interfaces. One will be like having a large TV in front of you. This will be the kind used for traditional movies and video games. Another mode will be the same thing, except you can see through the TV, this is used for augmented reality, and 3d visuals. For instance, say you were seeing how much space you had left in the system memory, and you viewed it like it was a 3d city, with larger files, being larger buildings. You could walk around it and interact with it.
It would look very strange to an outside viewer.
The potential of augmented reality is amazing. Here are some ideas.
It doesn't end there, imagine your driving your car, and visuals are transferred from your vehicle to your headset.
Let me create a scenario showing just a few possibilities of this.
With your glasses on, you enter your vehicle. For safety reasons, the law requires your glasses to enter "car mode", the heads up display can show much more information then before. Stress, friction, weight, etc. You can instantly see when something in your car is starting to cause problems. Never mind waiting till that mystery noise alerts you, your car will tell you exactly whats wrong when it happens.
Starting your car, you input your destination in an overhead map, maybe even with up to date satellites so you can see exactly when there's bad traffic in an area. When your destination is mapped out, arrows could be visually on the road telling you where to go.
Imagine that a lot of cars are reading a loss of friction on an intersection up ahead. The cars broadcast a warning to all other vehicles and you can see on your visual heads up display where those slippery sections are recorded. For example, there is a patch of black ice ahead that you can't see, but since someone else slipped on it, there is a small exclamation point above it.
Of coarse the display would have to be designed to be reliable and safe.
Interacting with the display could be done in many different ways.
The augmented reality can create an image of a keyboard in front of you, and detect your fingers interacting with the image. Something like this
Brain wave reading interaction may become a real possibility as well.
So imagine that you wanted to send an email to a large group. You first thought, "email" and it popped open, you thought of the people you wanted to send it to, and it shows there name and pictures, as each one is added. (Keep in mind, this could all potentially be done on a 3d display, for example, each image of each person could be placed on a cube, so you can rotate the cube instead of scrolling through a list.) Why? Well, it could be faster to find who your looking for. (If the brain-wave reading software couldn't find it, or you couldn't remember their face).
So anyways, a keyboard is virtually placed in front of you. You can resize it in any way and place it wherever you want. To other people, you would look like a mime as you type your email message. That is, if the brain wave reading software doesn't get advanced enough to automatically detect what you want to say. Which would be incredible. If you wanted to send a message, picture, or video to anyone, and all you had to do was think about it to do it, that would completely change the way we live.
The futuristic possibilities that are coming upon us fast are mind-boggling. I've only published a few of the possibilities. I'm sure if you use your imagination you can see many other concepts.
Here is a video on the possibilities of nano-technology by Nokia.
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